Faking It: Manipulated Photography before Photoshop

February 17–May 5, 2013

Organization: Organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Sponsor: The exhibition is made possible by The Exhibition Circle of the National Gallery of Art.

It is also generously supported by the Trellis Fund. Additional support has been kindly provided by the Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation, Neil and Marcella Cohen, Diane and Howard Zack, and Mark and Theresa Cohen.

Schedule: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 11, 2012–January 27, 2013; National Gallery of Art, Washington, February 17–May 5, 2013; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, July–October 2013.

Passes: Passes are not required for this exhibition.

The exhibition is on view in the West Building of the National Gallery of Art, Ground Floor.
For more visit : http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/faking.shtm


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