
Showing posts from July, 2012

Photography - The Flame

Poem - Goodness is always hidden

Photography - Chocolate cake

Photography - Rakhi festival in India

Photography - Aloe Vera

Words and Phrases - quid pro quo

Words and Phrases - Hubris

Poem - She is the Night

Art - Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) Sketch

Photography - Tree

Photography - Squirrel

Photography - Cloud

Art - Orange

Photography - Popcorn

Poem - The Morning Song

Art - The Star

Photography - Dark

Words and Phrases - Paparazzi

Words and Phrases - cui bono?

Words and Phrases - Mores

Words and Phrases - Putsch

Photography - sunset

Photography - Peeled Orange

Photography - Diwali Lights

Words and Phrases - Glasnost

Words and Phrases - Quintessence

Live Your Hobbies: Words and Phrases - veni, vidi, vici

Words and Phrases - veni, vidi, vici

Words and Phrases - de rigueur

Poem - We are not free

Poem - Just because i can't speak?

Art - Yellow flowers

Art - Blanverde

Art - Vase

Art - Travelling Soul

Art - Praying Fairy

Photography - Sunset

Words and Phrases - Fiasco

Photography - Bamboo

Words and Phrases - avancer comme un escargot

Words and Phrases - RSVP

Words and Phrases - Fletcherise

Photography - Clouds

Photography - Standing alone

Photography - Stony Floor

Photography - Watermelon

Photography - Peas

Poem - A friend who used to believe me without a swear

Photography - Shell