Poem - Million reasons

Ink started to flow off the pen,
leaving its mark on the paper,
It would be a long journey,
thinking that made my words waver.

Then the joy of writing,
got mixed with ink,
heart is lifted by beauty of words,
fear of failure started to sink.

Slowly the mind got tired of story,
the nib got worn out of writing,
Reins over mind are lost to ambiguity,
as thoughts inside the mind start fighting.

After writing for months,
managed to reach half-way,
under piles of words and thoughts,
I forget what I wanted to say.

I started again but this time,
fierce intensity filled the pen,
I could write the words but,
couldn't make them breath again.

Money said "let me give it a try",
Fame said " Why should I be behind?",
the ink started to shine as if of gold,
but it was short lived and confined.

Helplessness came to the rescue,
fueled the ink like no other,
I wrote for the love of freedom,
but negativity came to smother.

To keep going I tried a million reasons,
to stop, there was only one,
then I realised, I ought to write,
for the only reason that it was once begun!

                                                                                               - N K Sran


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